SGRPES Task Force on Quality Assurance Frameworks for Economic Statistics

The Task Force on the Quality Assurance Frameworks for Economic Statistics was established in September 2016 with the purpose of compiling and disseminating national and international methods and practices on quality assurance. An important component of such a compilation is case studies from national statistical systems (NSS) in the region on their experiences with quality assurance frameworks for economic statistics. In order to ensure the usefulness of national case studies to others, the studies need to go beyond description and give information on the context in which the quality assurance frameworks were motivated, designed and implemented.

Countries are invited to focus on their experiences with quality assurance frameworks for the production and dissemination of economic statistics as delineated by the Core Set including for the implementation of national accounts and for the maintenance of statistical business register where applicable. The following is a suggested outline for a national case study on quality assurance frameworks for economic statistics.

National Case Study on Quality Assurance Frameworks for Economic Statistics

Suggested Annotated Outline

Section I. Introduction

Brief explanation of the motivation for the case study and its structure.

Section II. Background: Legal framework and statistical policy for quality assurance for economic statistics

This section gives the institutional background for quality assurance for statistics in the country with a focus on the legal framework and statistical policy.

The section should describe any provisions on the assurance of quality of official statistics in the statistical law or other legislation in the country. Where such provisions exist, the section should discuss whether or how these provisions are implemented and/or enforced and by whom. The section can also discuss what legal changes may be necessary in order to facilitate quality assurance for economic statistics (especially if there are current plans to make such changes to the law).

The section should explain if there is an overarching quality assurance “policy”, code of practice or standard operating procedure in the national statistical system that covers all or multiple domains. If this is the case, the text should elaborate on how and by whom the policy was developed reference to international guidelines or standards), documented and communicated to staff and users. Any issues regarding the implementation of such a policy should also be discussed.


Section III. The Case: Quality Assurance Framework for Economic Statistics

This section is where a selected specific quality assurance framework for economic statistics is studied focusing on the following aspects:

How the need for the quality assurance framework that is discussed in this case study came about (decisions from NSO management, Statistical Council, policy makers, user demands)

Development of the quality assurance framework (technical research, mechanism to involve stakeholders and coordination of its preparation)

Elements of the quality assurance framework (description of quality dimensions and indicators, links to other quality assurance frameworks and principles, requirements of statistical infrastructure and staff skills for implementation)

Implementation of the quality assurance framework. If it is not implemented, the barriers to implementation should be discussed such as legal, structural, skills-based barriers to its implementation. If it is implemented, activities and methods that support its implementation should be explained. It is also important to outline the process, e.g.  implementing body (a department within NSO, NSO, all economic statistics providers in NSS, NSS as a whole?) and the  decision making, monitoring and evaluation of the quality assurance framework.

Section IV. Conclusions and lessons learned from the quality assurance experience

This section should provide an assessment of the issues raised in the earlier sections regarding the design and implementation of quality assurance frameworks for economic statistics.

The section should discuss if the implementation of the quality assurance framework has led to any changes in the overall legal, policy or business process of the national statistical office or the NSS. The feedback mechanism between the quality assurance framework and the areas/parts of NSS where changes occurred should be explained.

Lessons learned from the experience and any next steps on quality assurance frameworks for economic statistics in the country should be discussed.


Lessons for other countries, including aspects that should be considered for different national statistical systems before implementing similar quality assurance frameworks should be analyzed.

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